
Meet Your Coach...

Dr. Veronique Chastenet de Gery, Feminine Power Coach is the founder of Ta Vie Coaching – dedicated to working with women who find themselves at a transition point having undergone a major life change. She is committed to helping them step into their  new life.

Veronique believes that every person has the possibility within them to manifest the life they desire, but they cannot do it alone. That’s why she’s committed to helping women connect to their deeper wisdom so they can discover their new path and develop the courage to live it.

“My journey has been full of transitions  all of which I can now look back on as being important to my growth journey. 

I’ve navigated divorce, raised six kids, lost jobs, changed careers, cared for my father with dementia, and then his death. During my divorce, I hit an emotional rock-bottom, feeling I didn’t know who I was anymore.

I realized I’d been living my life taking care of others and trying to live up to their expectations. I felt lost, alone and struggling to figure out who I was and how I was going to move forward. 

The turning point was after the divorce. I felt I had nothing more to lose. I had to decide whether to stay a victim or take charge of my life. I decided to take charge of my life.

Once I made that decision, I realized I couldn’t do it alone. Thankfully I found the courage to ask for help and support. I took courses, worked with a coach and over time found a way back to my true self. 

Today as a certified life coachI’m committed to helping women like myself – who find themselves at a crossroads –  rediscover who they are and build a life that is true to them.

What I know to be true is that every person has the possibility within them to manifest the life they desire, but they cannot do it alone. That’s why I’m committed to helping women connect to their deeper wisdom so they can discover their new path and develop the courage to live it. 

This work takes commitment, courage and the support of someone who’s been there before.

I believe that every person has agency and with support and guidance, can manifest  a new life.”

~ Dr. Veronique Chastenet de Gery



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